George's high chair
Complete - £1,980 including VAT
Without table - £1,795 including VAT
Without table or retainer - £1,650 including VAT
464mm wide x 500mm deep x 900mm high (18¼” x 19¾” x 35½”)
In 2012 Katie Walker designed a high chair for his royal highness Prince George of Cambridge. The piece was the winning entry in an invited competition commissioned by The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers, the City of London livery company, and was presented to their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2013.
In 2015, in response to demand, Katie re-visited the design to produce a version fit for all our own little prince and princesses. Marketed as “George’s high chair”, the new chair takes on the name of the child it is made for once the order has been placed. The option of having the child’s name engraved in the seat is available.
George’s high chair is suitable for a baby from when he can independently hold himself in a sitting position (typically from 6 months) but has been designed with longevity in mind; it is a high chair but can be used without the retaining baby bar as the child grows – from tot to teen.
It has been designed so that the baby or child can either sit up to a standard height table safely and comfortably or, with the addition of the tray attachment, be used independently of a table surface. There are four parts that are available separately. The parts include:
The chair frame including backrest and adjustable seat can be used with the seat in it’s lowest of the four seating positions as a stand alone chair. The front cross rail acts as a secondary footrest option for older children (above around 6 years).
The footrest is needed with the main chair frame and seat until the child is approximately 6.
The retaining baby bar should be used with the seat in its two highest positions - between the ages of 6 and 36 months. It has been designed to meet the British Standards safety requirements without the additional use of a harness. However, fixing points for a harness have also been incorporated in the design of the retaining baby bar for extra reassurance if required.
The tray attachment can be used in conjunction with the baby retaining bar as an optional extra.
The chair was made by Sitting Firm Chairmakers Ltd in the UK using British materials wherever possible. The wood used in the chair was harvested in the UK under a Forestry commission felling license. All materials and processes have been chosen with sensitivity to their environmental impact.
Made in ash, both steam bent and laminated, and finished with either a clear lacquer or two coats of white Osmo wax oil. The chair has been designed and tested to the British Standard’s safety requirements as set out in document BS EN 14988-1:2006+A1:2012.